Friday, April 28, 2006

Dream to reach higher...

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Spirit of a song…

what is it.. sometimes I think .. there are these songs that I listen to and I want to listen to them again and again.. hmm.. the song juss creeps into my heart.. sweeps me off my feet.. and I am transported to some different world where I can actually feel the music.. the words .. everythin.. its not juss a song nymore.. it is alive if livin thru me.. breathin..i can feel the heartbeats of it.. strange isn’t it? But it is true… for me.. as true as our existence.. listenin to them gives me such a sense of achievement… as if this is it..nothin cud be more true.. more satisfyin.. more complete.. they juss seem to express my feelings.. as if its made for me.. it understands me perfectly….hope this song transforms into my dream.. and the dream takes form of the person that I will spend my life with…….


O God… What an experience………..thinkin of it now! I wonder what made me do it! Do what?? Go for the early morning Thanks Giving sales! 25th Nov, its thanks giving day.. and this is what we were waiting for since I came to US.. kept hearing about Thanks Giving Sales… amazing deals…amazing stuff at take-away price!! But all this not without any efforts.. u got to go early morning to the stores.. and wait in the queue! Queue..?? What big deal..we are desis afterall.. standin in queues is nothing new for us..right?? That wont be tough…well read on… So what happened was that a couple of my (very smart) frenz made this wonderful plan.. of going to NY city in the night.. freak out all night in the city that never sleeps and then line up outside the stores and get the most amazing bargains…sounds fun?! Cmon said rachna.. what do we do otherwise…sit at home and sleep and do nothing fun.. so lets go!! Well good reason! (But stay up all night????!!) Anyways, get set n go-ing we were! 11 in the night left our dearest Harrison.. all enthusiastic and excited…and bundled up..(it was verrrrry cold yaar) .. …(Thanks giving sales here we come!!!) Out on the NY roads…not many people seemed to be as mad as us.. when its freezing cold outside and u are sleep deprived.. even the dazzle and glamour of Times Square doesn’t excite you. I mean it was fun to begin with.. we were a crazy bunch of people as if just arrived from Jhumri Tallaiya.. posing infront of every building and every shop window and every Billboard! The real fun was when we reached the Best Buy store at 3 am( Yes, we had not slept and we were on foot since the time we left home).. there was already a line (Are we in US?? Or is this some Langar?? ) Time seemed to have come to a standstill… every 10 min we checked the watch and it just had moved 1 min since the last time we saw!! Wat the hell!! Someone had a very sad sense of humor to play such a prank! What we were not aware of was that there was something better in store for us. In order to kill time we were day dreamin about all the wonderful things that we would get once we are inside.. and each one of us were making this shopping list in our minds! What a sleepy chilled out (literally) bunch of zombies we were now. It was finally 6 and we were let in.. we seemed to have regained all the josh ..

Wat happened next.. was quite an anti climax…don’t even want to think of it now.. too frustrated!! More never ending queues and bloody free stuff that is actually not FREE! We even had to argue for half an hour till they finally agreed! Have mercy guys..we are already too tired don’t put us thru this!! Got back home at 11…(after 12hrs of torture!!) and slept! Still too sleepy … No more early morning thanks giving sales for me!!! All said and was an experience that none of us would forget (not after all those snaps!!) Moral of the story…
” There is no such place as my cozy bed… n NO (absolutely NO) Thanks giving sale can keep me away from it!!!!”

Sunday, April 09, 2006

smooth sailing....??

Peaceful, tranquil, smooth.... just some antonyms for what any relationship soon becomes! I wonder why? Do the protagonists become any less fond of each other or maybe get a little bored ?? What happens to the understanding & the caring? Or is it actually the other way .. more expectations as you get closer, u start understanding each other so much that now you think you can make out what was said was actually meant THIS WAY and not THAT WAY! Well, why am I writing all this? What happened was I just heard a perfect example of "Fight of small things"... and i tell you one thing, its no laughing matter.. this is serious! Now as I think a bit more, it seems to me that this is actually a side effect of love, and such situations serve to add spice to a monotonous sweet smooth sailing relationship. Hold on, is it needed?? Hey, do you have an option!? Tiffs are bound to occur. How they are sorted out determine your future together. Its never HIS fault or HER mistake, so why play the blame game? Its all about Love.. and that should win.